Diabetes and Body Weight

According to research, over 90% of Type 1 Diabetics are overweight. The more your body weighs, the more insulin resistant your cells become. Even losing a small amount of weight can improve insulin resistance!

For people with Diabetes, a 10 lb. change is enough to have measurable results in blood sugar. Removal of extra fat becomes a positive solution for preventing deterioration of Diabetes, or even recovering from it. Safe and effective weight management is key to fighting Diabetes!

Weight can influence Diabetes, and Diabetes can influence weight.

According to recent studies, Diabetics find it difficult to lose weight, as the body uses hunger strikes to store and reserve calories for use during the day. Just as the Polar Bear can reserve their fat stores in order to survive 6 winter months without food.

When one tries to lose weight drastically and quickly, blood sugar drops cause immediate discomfort – including shaky hands, headaches and dizziness, moodiness and lack of energy. When this happens, the signal to eat is immediate and many find it difficult to reason for reaching toward a healthier option.

By reaching for a quick “pick me up”, which may not be healthier or the right amount of food required to raise blood sugar levels to a more normal level, extra calories are immediately reserved and turned into fat. This vicious cycle creates an overweight body, which in turn burdens the Pancreas: Where Diabetes issues are formed.

Furthermore, research shows that 75% of people who follow this drastic effort to weight loss, also suffer from Cholecystitis Gallstones, which are caused by imbalanced hormone secretions.

Exercise is a great way to control weight, but many people fail because light exercise can only remove a very insignificant amount of fat stored in the body – plus water and muscle loss.

Many weight loss products currently in the market, try to control weight by increasing the heartbeat to abnormal levels in order to “burn fat”. This is extremely dangerous as these methods have been proven to cause Cardiovascular Disease.

Other products include diuretics and stool softeners, which in time cause long-term digestive system issues and weakening of the liver – a vital organ that ensures optimal health.

Changing eating behaviors to reduce the amount of food intake is the best way to ensure weight loss. The question is – how do we minimize the ‘sense of hunger’?

LR Laboratories has researched just this topic over the past 15 years. Their studies showed that in order to safely reduce the “signal” that senses hunger, vital energy in the body needs to be increased. Their product “Recapture” works in just this way, by combining the theories of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and western medical analysis. Recapture is a licensed TCM product in Canada with a Natural Product Number (NPN) issued by Health Canada. It is a 100% natural product without any animal ingredients, synthetic chemicals or stimulants.

The benefits of using Recapture is that it neither increases the heart rate in order to burn fat, nor causes diarrhea, fatigue or anorexia. Its main medicinal effect is to increase the Qi (vital energy), harmonize channels in the body to reduce or remove sense of hunger, helping users to greatly reduce the intake of calories so that body fat will be transformed into energy in approximately 3 days of use.

It’s important to understand that results in any weight loss or health program cannot be achieved overnight. But by transforming the body’s fat stores into energy, blood sugar levels drop as well. And while weight is being lost, Diabetes could be cured and symptoms minimized – plus better sleep achieved!

– John Lee

First Post!

LR Laboratories wants everyone to understand their own health conditions. It is beneficial to know how the body works, and what is best; knowledge is power.

We will be updating this blog with posts about arthritis, diabetes, weight management, ED and more. Stay tuned for future updates!